Wednesday, July 16, 2008

First Impressions of the Resume Builder

Under contact information, what does the 'order' field do?

When faced with the task of writing an objective for my resume, I was somewhat at a loss. The directions for constructing an objective were helpful, but I felt compelled to find more advice elsewhere online. Perhaps if career services has a more developed tutorial for writing objectives or more examples of good objectives they could link to it to open in a new window.

While looking at the summary example, I can't help but wonder whether all of the example students are over achievers or if I am an under achiever....

"Rutgers University – School of Communication, Information and Library Sciences" doesn't fit under institution.

With respect to the relevant courses section, is there any way to indicate which school a particular course was taken at? I have courses at both Brookdale and Rutgers that are relevant to my field.

I spent about an hour working on the Resume Builder

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